Friday, December 31, 2010

Do we live in America?

On Dec. 29th a 'Truther' public access news crew for KITV was acosted by Secret Service and Honolulu Police. What for? For trying to get pictures and/or video of our President while he was on vacation. They were turned away and so they left, without incident. Remember, left without incident. The exact phrase on the recording was,“We just wanted to get a glimpse of you but we're moving on because this is a private street and we don't want to make anybody nervous. Aloha!”.
They were then followed by the Secret Service and police. “Behind us we have the Secret Service following us now so this is kind of exciting.”
Exciting turned to scary after they pulled into a gas station. On their video, a police officer approached the car and said, “Stay in the car. Put that camera off of me.” First off, that should have been a HUGE warning. Police vehicles and up to five officers surrounded the car, demanded IDs and registration without explanation. Now as I understand it, this is a violation of the Fourth Amendment (Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures). Then an officer reached out and forcefully took the camera (Assault?), “He grabbed it out of my hand and then he slammed it on top of the car,” Jones said. She said the camera was damaged – the automatic lens cover no longer worked. A violation of the 14th amendment (When a government harms a person, without following the exact course of the law, then that is a due process violation which offends the rule of law.)
Jones’ fingers were gashed by the sharp edge on the camera mount. The officer then appologized, gave his Badge number, and instructed her how to make a complaint (admission of guilt?). However, Kane said other officers on the scene would not let them make a criminal complaint against the officer who grabbed the camera.
Asked if it was legal for police officers to stop someone from videotaping an officer in a public place, the department said citizens are allowed to video in public places. All this with the Secret Service about 10 feet away!!!
Who are these People? The SS? The KGB? This should NEVER happen in the US! If George W Bush had been president and this happened, it would have been on the National news for weeks!!! I understand the need for security and to protect the President, But I also know:
1 “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” - Benjamin Franklin
2 "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses." ~ Andrew Jackson
3 "Our liberty depends on the freedom of speach and the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Dan Emplit WBFD

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