Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Hands up, Don't Shoot!" Happened, It just wasn't Michael Brown

Why isn't there a media storm about THIS murder?

These 'fine' young men, at the young age of 15 (plus a 14 year old), decided that playing basketball was too boring.
They decided to rob someone. It was NOT the first time they had done so, they BOTH have arrest records for robbery.
They profiled their victim, passing on a younger man walking a large dog and picked James Stuhlman.

Here is what I've been able to decipher.
These 'fine young men' shot Mr. Stuhlman in the leg to ensure compliance. Then because he wasn't carrying any money, they shot him in the chest. DESPITE his pleading, "Please Don't Shoot me, Please Don't Shoot me".

How do we know what happened? Why because these 'fine young men' BRAGGED about it in the confessions they gave the police. Oh, and this happened in Overbrook, Pa.
Would the story have been differant if Mr Stuhlman had been armed? No way of knowing, but you can know, if he had been, that it would have given him a chance.
This is why I hate the media, They only care about ratings and their agenda.

Dan Emplit WBFD
USN 1986 - 1992

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