A friend sent me a link to a dot gov site that proved me wrong about absentee ballots not being counted unless they would affect the outcome
"What are absentee ballots? Do they only count in close elections?
Many absentee ballots are cast by voters who are unable to vote at their physical polling place due to being an active duty military member, a family member of someone on active duty or a U.S. citizen residing overseas. All ballots submitted according to State laws are counted in every election.
The media often will report the projected outcome of the election before all of the ballots are counted. In a close election, the media may report that the outcome cannot be announced until after the absentee ballots are counted. However, all ballots, including absentee ballots, are counted in the final totals for every election - and every vote (absentee or in-person) counts the same."
Dan Emplit WBFD
USN 1986 - 1992


Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Safe spaces
I posted this on facebook.
Red voted for Hillary,
Blue voted for Trump.
Any questions or do you need a 'safe space' to cry in?
Red voted for Hillary,
Blue voted for Trump.
Any questions or do you need a 'safe space' to cry in?
And WOW did the sh!t fly.
So here is one of my lists.
1. The popular vote doesn't elect or President. The Electoral College does.
2. The Electoral voters were faithful to the popular vote in their designated areas
3. Hillary knows how the system works
4. Historically Democratic states have more electoral votes than their Republican counterparts (California 55 votes, New York 29 votes, Illinois 20 votes, etc. While the Republican state with the most votes is Texas with 38. The others are swing states, but more of them is usually being won by Democratic candidate.)
This is how the States voted
5. I didn't vote FOR Trump, I voted AGAINST Hillary. Why? That list would be VERY LONG, but the main reason is 'Animal farm". "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS" seems to be her motto.
If anyone in the military had done 1% of what she did, they would be in Leavenworth Prison for 20+ years. Here is the law:
"(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States." From federal law, Title 18. Section 2071
In black and white, easy to follow. She is disqualified from holding any office or having any security clearance.
One other thing about her winning the 'popular vote'.
She’s probably not going to win the actual number of votes cast. She may win the number of votes counted, but not the votes cast.
States don’t count their absentee ballots unless the number of outstanding absentee ballots is larger than the state margin of difference. If there is a margin of 1,000 votes counted and there are 1,300 absentee ballots outstanding, then the state tabulates those. If the number of outstanding absentee ballots wouldn’t influence the election results, then the absentee ballots aren’t counted. This is why we will never know who actually wins the popular vote.
Dan Emplit WBFD
USN 1986 - 1992
Friday, August 19, 2016
35 years ago
35 years ago, two Libyan Su-22 Fitter attacked and were shot down by two US Navy F-14A Tomcats off the Libyan coast.
In August 1981, President Ronald Reagan authorized a large naval force including a pair of super carriers, USS Forrestal and USS Nimitz, to deploy to the Gulf of Sidra. This area had been 'annexed' by Lybia, who claimed it as part of Lybia's 'territorial waters'.
How did they justify this? They claimed this bay, which is VERY open to the Mediterranean Sea, was in reality a 'closed bay' even though it didn't meet the requirements of International Law.
Both Libyan aircraft were shot down and both pilots ejected (Although one parachute did not appear to open) and the US Navy believes both pilots were recovered.
This was NOT the end of the day. Libya launch MIG-25's to continue to harass the US fleet. However, every time the MIG's detected the Tomcats radar, the MIGs ran.
Su-22 Fitter
In August 1981, President Ronald Reagan authorized a large naval force including a pair of super carriers, USS Forrestal and USS Nimitz, to deploy to the Gulf of Sidra. This area had been 'annexed' by Lybia, who claimed it as part of Lybia's 'territorial waters'.
How did they justify this? They claimed this bay, which is VERY open to the Mediterranean Sea, was in reality a 'closed bay' even though it didn't meet the requirements of International Law.
Libya often confronted U.S. forces in and near the gulf including at least two occasions where Libyan jets opened fire on U.S. reconnaissance planes.
In an attempt to find the US carriers, the Libyan military sent 35 PAIRS of aircraft into the area!
After a morning full of fending of 'mock' attacks, an airborne early warning aircraft, E-3 Hawkeye, directed the Tomcats (from VF-41 Black Aces) to intercept the 2 Fitter aircraft.
The engagement started when one of the Fitters fired an AA-2 Atoll heat seeking missile at the Tomcats. The Tomcats evaded and answered with their own heat seekers (AIM-9L Sidewinders).Both Libyan aircraft were shot down and both pilots ejected (Although one parachute did not appear to open) and the US Navy believes both pilots were recovered.
This was NOT the end of the day. Libya launch MIG-25's to continue to harass the US fleet. However, every time the MIG's detected the Tomcats radar, the MIGs ran.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Dear God, this level of stupid hurts
Ok, lets set the scene.
Watch this. Especially at the 16 minute 45 second mark forward.
Is this MORON the best VP candidate the Libertarian party can come up with?
The definition of 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' (WMD) is Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons.
So, yes WMDs WERE found in Iraq.
"From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.
Now,I'm not really a 'term Nazi' for most people, but if you are a politician then GET IT RIGHT!
And then he has to outdo his previous stupidity. "if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon".
I've built several AR's and I have no CLUE what 'Pin' he is talking about, and honestly neither does he.
Voting for people like this, politicians who talk about things that they know NOTHING about, is willful retardation at it's finest.
Watch this. Especially at the 16 minute 45 second mark forward.
Is this MORON the best VP candidate the Libertarian party can come up with?
The definition of 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' (WMD) is Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons.
So, yes WMDs WERE found in Iraq.
"From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.
In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act."
But that is NOT my point. This complete idiot thinks that any rifle with more than 5 rounds is 'essentially' equal to a NUCLEAR WARHEAD!
So this
So this
Equals this
“The five-shot rifle, that’s a standard military rifle; the problem is if you attach a clip to it so it can fire more shells and if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon, and those are independent criminal offenses,” Weld said. “That is when they become, essentially, a weapon of mass destruction. The problem with handguns probably is even worse than the problem of the AR15.”
Now, let's look at the other stupidity in this statement.
The US military hasn't had a 5 shot rifle since 1936, when the M1 Garand (which had an 8 round magazine) replaced the 1903 Springfield. So, No 5 shot rifle has been used by the military in 80 YEARS!
BTW, Clips feed magazines, Magazines feed weapons. From Wikipedia:
Now,I'm not really a 'term Nazi' for most people, but if you are a politician then GET IT RIGHT!
And then he has to outdo his previous stupidity. "if you remove the pin so that it becomes an automatic weapon".
I've built several AR's and I have no CLUE what 'Pin' he is talking about, and honestly neither does he.
Voting for people like this, politicians who talk about things that they know NOTHING about, is willful retardation at it's finest.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Almost 26 years
Back in Sept '90 I bought a used Glock 17, it's an early first gen.
Now, coming up on 26 years with her, I'd like to tell you a little about her.
I keep extensive notes on my firearms.
Over 30,000 rounds from various manufacturers including +P ammo and reloads.
3 jams (that's right 3!) one was due to a low powder charge in a reload
6 FTF (failures to fire) 3 or 4 were reloads, so probably my fault
What I willingly changed:
The sights (shiver), Glocks have 'slightly' sub par factory sights, She has had Trijicon Night Sights for about 5 years, A SOLID improvement.
The slide stop. For the past 4 years she has had a Glock Extended Slide Stop Release, I really only got this because friends were telling me it was SO MUCH better, My opinion, Meh. If I decide to switch it again I would get a Vickers Tactical Slide Stop. IMHO, much better but I'm not running to get one.
The Final change.
The recoil spring was getting weak, so I had to get a Glock Guide Rod and Recoil Spring Assembly. That was the ONLY necessary replacement.

Oh, some people get grip sleeves. I use a piece of a bicycle inner tube.
Here's hoping for another 26 years.
Now, coming up on 26 years with her, I'd like to tell you a little about her.
I keep extensive notes on my firearms.
Over 30,000 rounds from various manufacturers including +P ammo and reloads.
3 jams (that's right 3!) one was due to a low powder charge in a reload
6 FTF (failures to fire) 3 or 4 were reloads, so probably my fault
What I willingly changed:
The sights (shiver), Glocks have 'slightly' sub par factory sights, She has had Trijicon Night Sights for about 5 years, A SOLID improvement.
The slide stop. For the past 4 years she has had a Glock Extended Slide Stop Release, I really only got this because friends were telling me it was SO MUCH better, My opinion, Meh. If I decide to switch it again I would get a Vickers Tactical Slide Stop. IMHO, much better but I'm not running to get one.
The Final change.
The recoil spring was getting weak, so I had to get a Glock Guide Rod and Recoil Spring Assembly. That was the ONLY necessary replacement.
Oh, some people get grip sleeves. I use a piece of a bicycle inner tube.
Here's hoping for another 26 years.
A post!
A post I put on Facebook:
Ok, I'm tired of the hypocrisy.
The left has been demonizing Trump for his immigration policy and his reactions to Mr. Khan's speech at the DNC.
Ok, What Trump said was in bad taste. Very.
But where is the outrage for Hillary's lies? She lied to the families of the Benghazi attack, then when THEY called her out on it, She calls THEM lairs!
Where is the outrage for her insulting those families? She was the one in charge and the media lets her skate on that AND for saying they 'mis-remember' even though they have her on video!
Bias in the news is nothing surprising...I just didn't think anyone put that level of ham-fisted propaganda in media outside of North Korea.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
22 Times Clinton Said She Didn't Have Classified Material on Her Private...
What is scarier than Hillary, is her supporters that put on blinders about her.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The 4 gun control measures that failed to pass
I'm getting sick of the lies that the Main Stream Media has been putting out about the 4 gun control amendments that the Senate did not pass on Monday.
They keep blaming the NRA for it. Let's look at what the votes were. Most of this info comes from CNN. Most of the votes followed party lines.
First a proposal by by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa,
It would enhance funding for the existing gun background check system (NICS) which needed 60 votes to pass. It would have required states to add more information on mental health issues and would have had provisions for alerting the police if anyone who has been on the Terror watch list (in the last 5 years) buys a firearm.
The final vote tally was 53 to 47. This was shot down by the DEMOCRATS.
The second vote was on a measure by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.,
It would have expanded gun background checks and close the so-called gun show loophole (which is as real as a pink unicorn) where firearm purchases are not tracked. Because criminals can't buy from licensed dealers.
The final vote tally was 44 to 56. This is 'feel good' legislation and was shot down by Republicans.
The third vote was from Sen. John Cornyn , R-Texas,
This would allow the government to delay a gun sale to a suspected terrorist for 3 business days, but require federal prosecutors to go to court to show probable cause. If they could prove it, then the sale would be blocked permanently (The National Rifle Associated backed this legislation).
It failed in a final vote of 53 to 47 by DEMOCRATS.
The final measure was by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.,
It would keep people on a government terrorism watch list or other suspected terrorists from buying guns. The Justice Department endorsed her legislation, but it would have violate due process! Making it UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This had ZERO possibility of being passed because of that alone.
It also failed with a final vote count of 47 to 53. Shot down by Republicans.
Even if the Senate passed any of these they would've found HEAVY opposition in the House.
Now to my thoughts, the ONLY one of these that I had ANY support for was the third one, proposed by Sen. Cornyn. It is an elegant compromise that respected our rights. I don't support any legislation that accuses people without notifying them and makes it all but impossible to prove your innocence. At one time we were ALL innocent until PROVEN guilty.
Dan Emplit WBFD
USN 1986 - 1992
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