Saturday, September 25, 2010

More Proof

Mr. Leightons state of the art surveillance system that will put us "on the map" sure has. The problem is that it is a map of wasted tax payer money. Obviously the cameras are not deterring crime, "At least five cars were broken into Saturday night around public square, and that comes on top of dozens of others in recent weeks." WBRE (09-20-2010). But what is our 'spend the tax payers money' leadership going to do to stop the break ins? More cameras, mobile (more expensive?) ones. "A Wilkes-Barre City Councilman Bill Barrett says three more mobile camera units have been ordered and should be placed around the city soon." WBRE (09-21-2010). Oh and more cameras "Wilkes-Barre police say they plan to install more surveillance cameras in the city's parking garages, since the number of break-ins is growing there, too."
WBRE (09-20-2010)
According to WBRE, the car break ins have "become a regular problem downtown." & "All the people we spoke with were shocked by the time of the break-ins. Saturday's started a four o'clock in the afternoon, in broad daylight." WBRE (09-20-2010).
Part of the problem is that everyone knows that the system is riddled with bugs and doesn't work as Mr Leighton advertised.
Leighton said "they're (police) not happy about it because they think we should put more people on the streets." WBRE (07-16-2010) No WE want more POLICE on the streets. Yea, He's said it before, It's not his (Leighton) fault, it's someone else's. Maybe the police are unhappy with it because it DOESN'T WORK! Besides cameras CANNOT replace POLICE on the ground.
Leighton is more interested in getting his name on a building than he is our safety. He has done:
1 Back room deals
3 'Lost' $38.8 million from the Solomon Creek project
4 Sold city property for 8 cents on the dollar to a campaign contributor
5 Lied to county officials to get tax forgiveness to a campaign contributor
6 Cut our safety to fund HIS pet projects
7 The whole Ice Rink, which was supposed to revitalize W-B HOW?
8 The largely worthless camera system
9 Raised taxes and fees to an all time high.
10 racked up MASSIVE lawsuit debts
11 Violated a contract so he could give it to a campaign contributor
12 LIED to the public (Oh yea, that's news)
This just off the top of my head.

Today we had 2 alarms at the same time, thankfully neither was a real emergency. But what would have happened.... No, what WILL happen to our loved ones WHEN it IS REAL. Remember, who is responsible because he WILL blame the Fire Dept instead of taking responsibility for his own foolishness. Also remember it at election time.

Dan Emplit WBFD
AKA Don Quixote

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