Maryann Huk
And the upper floors would need to be gutted anyway to meet code and be enlarged for today's demands. Ironically, any kind of molded plaster or stenciling that would still be intact would create additional challenges. So all that loveliness we remember would need to be reproduced.
Think of ALLLLL the people that would have to be hired to do that...
It would be lovely, but I don't see it happening.
Maryann Huk
Your last sentence says it all. Fire Inspectors have a responsibility to protect the public at all costs. A civil engineer friend of mine said municipal inspectors or those hired by a municipality will ALWAYS err on the side of caution. I'll wait for an independent inspection.
I'm sorry, The Fire Inspector gave an honest opinion. He has well over a decade of experience, and does not believe the building is salvageable. This was given at an informal safety meeting about the Sterling.
Louis Betti
Also, Dan, were you able to get any photos of the General Sullivan room(restaurant)? I dined there many times and would be curious see see what is left of it.
Louis Betti
Hi Dan, the General Sullivan room is on the ground floor off the lobby, north of the River Street entrance.
With the help of Tyler Hammond (He and his wife ran Cafe Metropolis when it was in the Sterling), we believe we have isolated the 'General Sullivan' room. The pictures are below.
The entrance
And here
We believe this is the Ballroom (Please remember these are structural pics and not taken to show the Grandeur that was)
Those slatted doors on the left are for a small storage room off the dining area
the dining room
What is left of the first floor kitchen
and more of the kitchen here
Save the Hotel Sterling, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Dan-I am rather anxious to see too about the ballroom floor two and. Have floors collapsed to a great extent from floors 2 up?
The Second floor ballroom was called the 'Crystal room', I believe. I'm going from the lowest level up so that will probably be the next post. By the way, don't expect much, the higher the floor, the more it was stripped.
Dan Emplit WBFD
AKA Don Quixote
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