Friday, October 28, 2011

Two things I would like to say

First, Last night Engine 3 was out of service, so I was on Engine 1. After the council meeting we had a call to city hall for a stuck elevator.
As we were walking up the ramp to city hall, Kathy Kane drove up, wound down her window, and yelled to us (in front of the large crowd leaving at the time)," It couldn't have happened to a nicer person!" and then laughed and drove away.
Want to guess who was inside the elevator (they were out when we got there)?
Who could have inspired such an unprofessional outburst?
It doesn't really matter, but it was Linda Urban.
This shows just what kind of person Kathy Kane is. Why would ANYONE vote for such an unprofessional person?

Second, and related to the recent shooting. Where are the new handguns the police were supposed to get? That was back in May. Five months. They are probably sitting in a storage room next to the promised laptops for the Police cruisers and Fire Engines. Unbelievable.
BTW... The Beretta 96 was introduced in 1990, the Glock 21... 1990. The Parent platforms The Beretta 92 was introduced in 1975, and the Glock 17..... 1982.
IMO (and most others) the Glock IS a MUCH better platform. But if they wanted to update to a more modern design, it should be the Smith & Wesson M&P introduced in 2005 and it has a STELLAR record, rivaling the Glock.

Dan Emplit WBFD
AKA Don Quixote


  1. This is what i heard went on inside of the elevator-- - >Wannabees, manipulators and power trippers are usually unhappy and insecure people, who don't impress anyone...just saying...I was stuck in the elevator tonight with 6 INDIVIDUALS 1 of which was→ Linda Urban Stets for about 10 min..which being with her seemed like FOREVER......OMG.....She is scary....pounding on the doors like a rabid gorilla ...punching the floor buttons and the alarm like a man...iac.then pushing the light box panel up with John John P. Rushton cane to c if there is an escape....believe me if there was,...I would have shoved her up there 1st......I had to tell her to STOP...and she replied "what did you say to me?'...I said leave it alone, your gonna make matters worse and she then said..."this is what your suppose to do to get it going again...So I replied "O NOW YOUR AN EXPERT AT ELEVATORS ARE YOU...LEAVE IT ALONE...."...and she wants to run our Government....I f you vote for her,...your just as scary......Goodnight my friends..sleep well...hope I don't have any republican nightmares tonight....lol

  2. Why can't more people see Kane for what she is??
