Well last night I went to the council meeting, The only topic was the vote for at-large elections, and I can say it was 40 minutes that I will never get back.
Unsurprisingly, the motion passed. I have no real opinion either way, mainly because everyone has an almost rabid opinion on the subject and actual facts are about as rare as '63 corvettes (the split window coupes).
What I don't like is the fact that the meeting was double secret (Thank you Bill O'Boyle and Matt Harris of the Times Leader and Citizens Voice Respectively for letting us know), that it was scheduled at a time that 'Joe Average-Dude' was just getting out of work and done in such a hurry that it could not be put off. This last part is the fishiest because back on June 10Th after I spoke at council, Mr. Barrett and Thomas talked at me and Mr. Thomas mentioned that they were planning this. So why wait to the last minute to put this in a meeting? I can only think of one reason, to minimize opposition. And if you have to minimize opposition maybe you should look at what you are doing.
On another note, I expected Luzerne County Controller Walter Griffith or Bob Kadluboski (of City-Wide Towing) to be there, Both are opponents of this move. I don't really know why I expected them to be present but...
So I spoke even though I was VERY unprepared. I asked if the council put this part of their Charter on a vote, then they should put the FULL TIME benefits and retirement on the vote as well. I was told that this cannot be because of the terms of the Wilkes-Barre Home Rule Charter and the city attorney promised to email me a copy this afternoon. Guess what didn't get emailed to me. I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. I'll wait till Monday and then call or email him to remind him.
And my last note. Kathy Kane Obviously reads this Blog and indirectly aimed a few comments at me. Yes I got the references to my abandoned house, street sweeper, and that council is letting us down rants. That and the direct comment about blogs.
Of all the council she is doing 'something'. The 'cell phone ban' is an excellent plan and has my FULL support. She had the 'mosquito farm' some call a creek across form my home cleaned out. BUT when this all started she also told an elderly lady, who was worried about her sick husband, that we were not picketing for public safety, we wanted more overtime. WRONG. If we got the manning we are trying for overtime would go DOWN. It's simple, More men less overtime. She is to smart not to realize this so it was a LIE. And that comment is why she has been mentioned so many times here.
Well enough for now.
Dan Emplit WBFD
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