Monday, September 20, 2010

why you should pick a name

Okay, I got another message (if you want to call it that) from 'Drunk Anonymous' and I'm pretty sure I've got at least 2 different people posting messages under the cowardly 'Anonymous' name. I don't understand why someone wouldn't put their name on what they write, except if they know it isn't true or are trying to start an argument. My policy stands. Post 'Anonymous' and it will never be seen, if only because I want to know which individual I am 'writing' at.
For the somewhat literate 'Anonymous' READ the post and stop trying to start Internet fights. You are the reason no 'Anonymous' posts will be seen.
Comic book guy, PICK A NAME. (Can't help but picture you as the Simpsons 'Comic Book Guy'. That is NOT a compliment)

Dan Emplit WBFD

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